Robert B. 'Bob' Famiglio
Media, PA
QCWA # 37698
Chapter 5
First Call: WA3ADN
Having been fascinated at age 8 with AM broadcast band DXing, then shortwave listening, Bob was eventually licensed in January of 1967, at age 13, as WA3ADN. Bob has been immursed in the art and science of radio ever since that time. In 1975, he was issued his present call sign K3RF. He holds an Amateur Extra class license since 1973 and a FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License (commercial). (It was a 1st class rating back in the day - remember those)? Bob is a graduate electrical engineer, an experienced broadcast station engineer, a Philadelphia area AM broadcast station owner (from 1986 to 1997). Beginning 1979, he is also licensed to practice law in several states as well as before the US Patent and Trademark Office. He is a FAA certificated pilot, holding his first private pilot rating since 1990. Bob's law practice focuses on law & technology, including legal issues involved in radio & communications technology, electronics generally, and technology development and protection. www.FamiglioAssociates.com. His clients are engineers, scientist and technical development companies of all types. See also www.linkedin.com/in/robert-famiglio-45640a3 . He is one of the original volunteer counsel for the ARRL, involved since the program started . His major focus in radio is emergency service as well as new technologies. Bob is the trustee and the executive director for the Emergency Communications Radio Auxiliary Team - W3KG.
He is also engaged in the following activities:
National & PA Certified Firefighter & Vehicle Rescue Technician. Radio officer and emergency first responder (Lieutenant for 6 non-consecutive years - Company Captain beginning January 2015 to December 31, 2017, (term limited to three years) for Rose Tree Fire Company (Station 73) in Media, PA. Nominated and elected for new, additional term as command line officer beginning January 2018. Civil Air Patrol senior pilot member.
Elected ARRL Vice-Director of Atlantic Division 2015 to year end 2017. Elected ARRL EPA Section Manager, 2012 to 2014. From 2006 to 2012, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) E. Pa. 1st District Emergency Coordinator for Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery & Philadelphia counties. Bob was recipient of a Congressional award in 1968 by the late Lawrence G. Williams, member of congress for his participation in Civil Defense for Delaware County as a young teen active as a radio amateur using his skills for ARES and the Amateur Radio Public Service Corps.
Certified by Level 1(Basic), 2(Intermediate), and 3(Advanced) Emergency Communications Courses sponsored by the ARRL & FEMA NIMS training.
The room shown is Bob's radio room at his residence in Media, PA. Positions for two or three operators as well as a separate situation and operations room with multiple phones and computer positions (not shown) provide 1.8 MHz thru 1296 MHz radio coverage comprised of amateur bands, GMRS, & various other radio services including Public Safety Radio capabilities; 8 discrete phone lines through a single Panasonic NS-700 hybrid VoIP and conventional POTS PBX, including 5 FiOS POTS equivelent pairs and 1 cellular service path to the public interconnect integrated into the PBX key sets through radio interface adapters providing seamless public network telephone connections in "lines down" scenario. A 4th data only full time wireless connection on AT&T PCS network is in service to back up loss of fiber internet services. The PBX also has 3 POTS equivelent fiber optic VoIP connect phone lines & fax served by a 75/75 Mb/s symmetrical FiOS data lines with dual Verizon fiber drops & dual FiOS ONTs, as well as emergency power. Three computer systems for logging, data management, mapping and radio control are used in the radio room shown. The operations office (not shown) next to the radio room includes three additional computers with multiple monitors, phones and other equipment to facilitate incident management if needed.
Member of Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers IEEE (since 1972). Member of National Society of Professional Engineers NSPE (since 1976). Fellow of and past Vice President & General Counsel for the Radio Club of America RCA. [www.radioclubofamerica.org/]. Volunteer Legal Counsel for radio amateurs since first antenna case in 1983. Member Philadelphia Area Repeater Association (PARA). Member Mobile Sixers Radio Club. Member of ARRL since 1967-currently life member.

May 25, 2018