David F. 'Dave' Gilliam
Trenton, FL
QCWA # 36942
I was first licensed in May of 1980 with the call KA3FOW while in the Air Force and stationed at Dover AFB DE. While in Korea in 1986 during my last duty assignment in my 21 years I held the call HL9DG for my year in country. After returning and retiring from the AF I moved to MI and changed the call to N8KMG. The next move was to PA where I changed again to N3MBO. I moved back home to Florida in 93 and now have change to the K4DFG as of 1-28-99.
I retired in 2010 and able to be more active on the Air, In 2004 I was appointed the EC in Gilchrist County and active in building the AREC connection within the county. In 2011 and 2012 we held Field Day at the Gilchrist County EOC.For a small club, Dixie Amateur Klub, we did well. In 2013 I was appointed the NF ARES DEC for Santa Fe District that covers Alachua, Dixie, Gilchrist, and Levy countys.
I enjoy CW, but not very active in it until 2011. I have been active much more now and you can find me on the CW parts of the bands now on 20 and 40 meters most of the time. I enjoy working Special Event stations and rag chewing. I really enjoy going out to the parks here in Florida and setting up my QRP station and working CW. I am a member of QRP - 13488, FISTS - 11402, SCARS - 1970, and now Flying Pigs QRP Club International. I just joined the Flying Pigs - FP#-3221. I am getting more involved in some contest and really like QRP and CW. Hope to work you on the air. If I work you I will send you on CW I will send a QSL.
Thanks for taking a look at my page and I Hope to work you.
73's Dave
January 19, 2016