Stephen G. 'Steve' Hawley
Culpeper, VA
QCWA # 23734
Chapter 53
First Call: WN4UAZ issued in 1964
Other Call(s): WA4UAZ, GM5AKO, KZ5BP, WA4UAZ/HC1, HD1A, VS6JR, CR9C, F61KG, CN8FC & FS/K4EU
Eventually, I became a Popular Electronics certified Shortwave Listener (SWL) proudly sporting my WPE4GXJ call sign which allowed me to collect QSL cards from Hams in all states and several countries. At age 16 in 1964, I acquired a DX-40 to go along with the GR-64 and went on the air as WN4UAZ. 56 years later I'm still QRV having had the privilege of operating Ham Radio from five continents and several countries.
Here's a photo of me pounding brass, circa 1970. Note the Heathkits I built back then. The original GR64 can be seen on the far left. That white thing with a ring on it on the far right of the picture is an unknown antique object!!! From this beginning, the skills I've learned from Ham Radio have been a lifelong passion, led directly to my life's work, and have kept me on a good positive life-path. As an example, Ham Radio skills had great influence in gaining a college education, and led directly to my landing a position within the Naval Security Group during the Vietnam era while serving on active Navy duty, which led directly to my 35-year civilian career with Uncle Sam.
Today, I count many friendships around the world due to Ham Radio. I try to give back by helping folks with CW, DXing, Contesting and other aspects of our hobby. I am a volunteer at the ARRL QSL Bureau and sort and distribute W4/K4/N4 "Z" QSL cards.
73....//Steve K4EU
Former personal call signs: WPE4GXJ, WN4UAZ, WA4UAZ, GM5AXO, KZ5BP, WA4UAZ/HC1, HD1A, VS6JR, CR9C, F6IKG, CN8FC, FS/K4EU

April 23, 2020