Richard T. 'Rich' Monahan
Leesburg, FL
QCWA # 28855
Chapter 149
I was first license in 1961 as WN4DLY in Princess Anne County, VA. Joining the Navy in 1962, moved to New London, CT and continued my Amateur Radio activity aboard the submarine USS Sailfish SS572 as K1FPP/MM. In 1967 I joined the US Navy Underwater Sound Laboratory, New London, CT as a civil service employee working with Nuclear Fast Attack Submarines and Destroyer Escort Surface Ship; Sonar Systems. During a 35 year career I continued my activity on the Amateur HF Bands. I retired in 1996 and worked my own electrical and plumbing business for an additional 14 years. In 2011 I relocated from Lyme, CT to Fort Mill, SC and changed my call to K4FPP.
I currently enjoy working the low end of 40 meters and 20 meters with two indoor dipole antennas. A Alpha Delta DX-CC and CX-DD,in an antenna restricted community. My recent discovery is PSK-31. I been working 20 meters PSK-31 and enjoy a little rag chewing instead of a hitting the Macros and passing 73's. I also enjoy South Cars 7251 KHz generally between 9 to 10 AM. I have a HF net (The Hard to Hear Net) on 40 meters on Thursday night on 7143 kHz +/- at 8 p.m. EST and a 2 meter net (Sun City Carolina Lakes 2 meter Net) on 146.580 mHz on Thursday night at 7:30 pm
I am a member of ARRL, QCWA, South Cars 7251 member number 10394, and Mecklenburg Amateur Radio Club.
September 19, 2015