K4NE - 1985
Director 1985
Lewis W. 'Lew' Sieck
Treasure Island, FL
QCWA # 06348
Chapter 32
Lew Sieck, K4NE, is a graduate Engineer with the Degrees of Bachelor of Science, EE, in 1932; Master of Arts, in 1933, and Master of Science in 1936, from Washington University and MIT. He retired from the USAF and Civil Service in 1968.
Lew holds seven patents on communication and radar instrumentation. He is a1 member of ARRL, SOWP, OOTC, and a Fellow in AIA and is a Shriner!
Lew was born in St. Louis, and first licensed as 9BAO, when he was 12 years old (1921). He is past Chairman of the Florida Council of QCWA Chapters, was Treasurer and Coordinator for the 1974 QCWA Convention held at Orlando, Secetary and Treasurer of Gator Chapter, and has been Editor of QCWA news, appearing in "Florida Skip". He is past President of the Washington, DC Mobile Radio Club and of the St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club. He is President of OOTC(1985). He operates on all bands, 2 to 160 meters, and holds an Extra Class License!