Charles L. 'Chuck' Till
Raleigh, NC
QCWA # 36873
Chapter 126
Call me Chuck. Retired after 41 years in international telecommunications... now burning frequent flyer miles instead of earning them! Outside of ham radio, I am the Secretary of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, I do occasional consulting, and I'm a volunteer announcer (usually Sundays 0600-0730 Eastern) at The Classical Station, streaming and broadcasting on WCPE.
Communications and computers have interested me as far back as I can remember. I was first licensed as WN4RGN in 1970 during high school, thanks to Col. Norman Pinney W4EMP later KC4AR SK. Then I received my Bachelor's & Master's in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Tech. Life got complicated with school, family, and career, and my license lapsed -- but I always intended to return. Eventually life became less hectic, so in anticipation of retirement I regained my license in 2015. Some things changed since 1970, some things didn't.
Member of ARRL, RARS, QCWA (#36873), and SMIRK (#7008). I have a node on TARPN, a cool networking initiative in the Triangle using Raspberry Pi's led by KA2DEW. I chase DX on 6 meters when it's available and I do the overnight shift during Field Day; otherwise, I don't do contests. I have Digital DXCC and Digital WAS, mostly FT8 but also Olivia, FT4, and PSK31.
QSLs by mail are encouraged. No money, postage, or SASE is needed regardless of your QTH. If you send me one, you will get one. LoTW yes, eQSL/QRZ/Club Log no.
May 26, 2020