Director 2012 - 2014
Myron L. Cherry
Greeneville, TN
QCWA # 28839
Chapter 145
In his early teen years, Myron became interested in amateur radio after seeing the shack of a school friend. From that time on, he has been hooked. His first gear was a Heathkit DX-60 which he assembled himself and a Drake 2B. Myron still occasionally uses that gear today since he is mostly a CW operator with just a little SSB mixed in.
Myron is active on all bands from 160 meters to 70 cm. He chases DX and has worked them all except P5, North Korea. Additionally, Myron chases grid squares on VHF/UHF and works EME on 432. He has built much of his own equipment and enjoys spending a lot of time at the work bench.
He is a life member of both QCWA and the ARRL and is serving his third term as president of Chapter 145 in Asheville, NC. Myron also does volunteer work at the chapter's museum, the Southern Appalachian Radio Museum. He is also a WCARS VE.
Myron received a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Tennessee. For many years and up to the time of his retirement, he was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Natural Sciences at Northeastern State University in Oklahoma with approximately forty faculty members under his supervision. Myron was very active in scientific research having received grants from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. He now holds the title of Professor Emeritus.
September 1, 2014