Carl E. Young
Reno, NV
QCWA # 24356
Chapter 190
The picture is yours truely operating 2011 ARRL Straight Key Night (SKN ) using a crystal controlled vintage rig - a Johnson Viking Adventurer putting out about 15watts on 40m CW. I borrowed an Adventurer from one of my elmers when I first got my Novice license back in the early 1960's and ran across the Adventurer I have now at a swapmeet a couple of years ago in primo condition for $40! SKN is my favorite annual event and great fun!
I was born and raised in the Ozarks of northwest Arkansas. First licensed in March of 1963 as WN5JKC a sophomore in high school. Upgraded about 4 months later to General Class and became WA5JKC. I joined the Navy after graduation from high school at age 17 for a 3 year minority enlistment (aka "Kiddy Cruiser"). I was spent 6 months working at a ground control approach radar site at NAS Jacksonville, FL then attend Communications Technician (Radio Branch (R)) School at US Naval Security Group Training Center, Corey Field, Pensacola, Fl. I became an intercept morse operator in the Navy for the remainder of my enlistment serving at NavSecGruAct Bremerhaven Germany and NavSecGruAct Galeta Island, Coco Solo, Panama Canal Zone. After being honorably discharged from the Navy I attended the University of Arkansas in Fayeteville and lived there for the next ten years working as a Biomedical Engineer for a Regional Medical Center. At age 30, I ran away from home for the second time (the first being after my graduation from HS to the Navy) and joined the US Merchant Marine as a Radio Electronics Officer aboard commercial ships working worldwide. I sailed on merchant ships for 26 years going through the transition from morse operators to the high tech electronics and information technology skills of the modern Radio Electronics Officer.
I have had the opportunity to operate ham radio from the far corners of the world as a maritime mobile, reciprocal license holder, and guest operator due to the travel my professionhas required and the my personal travel inclinations (itchie feet)plus living for months or years in different places around the world. Licenses with following calls: WN5JKC, WA5JKC, KZ5BY, KZ5NG,K5HK, VQ9CY, HP0/K5HK, K5HK/mm1-2-3, K5HK/KP2 and VP2V/K5HK. I have been guest a operators in DL4, DU4, TI2, SU1, 4X4, CE3, HP3, LU2, YV5, XE2, DU2, and others. I have been able to participate with the Reno QRP Group, ARRL, QRP ARCI, G-QRP, FISTS, CW Ops,the Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society, and Pony Express Re-ride communications support activities, etc. I have many homebrew and kit QRP rigs which I have designed, modified and/or constructed. I am saving a lot of additional design and construction projects for retirement my full retirement activity in the near future. I enjoy cw operations most of all, however, I do operate some SSB and data modes from time to time as well.
I had the honor and privilege of participating as an operator with the KP2N group in the CQWW CW 1986 contest from Water Island, US Virgin Islands. We won the multi-multi event that year despite my participation. I still enjoy working a few stations in contests but my serious efforts are behind me...I think. I have a Lightningbolt-6 band 2 element Quad antenna up 40 feet. I have a vertically polarized delta loop for 40m. My main rig is an IC-7600 that Santa brough me for Xmas in 2010 and a Flex 3000 that Santa dropped off 2011. I have a number of other rigs including a Johnson Viking Adventurer, Viking Valiant II, TS-940SAT, FT-756GX, FT-735R, IC-7000, IC-756Pro2, IC-720A, Drake Twins R4C/T-4X, QRP rigs such as an HW-8, KX-1, SST20, SMK-1, Rockmites, HiMite, several HB rigs, a Flex Radio 1500, etc. Amplifiers available but seldom used: Ameritron ALS-600, Alpha 76A. More than I need of everything according to my YL! You might say I am just another fortunate ham. I have lived in Reno since 1992. I am married to my lovely YL, Gretchen. We have two adult children Christa and Sonny and two American Fox Hounds- Chelsea,and Jessica and a mix Foxhound/German Shorthair, Mill B. Oh, the every developing radio art with always something new and exciting. It is just as much fun today for me as it was when I was a newly licensed kid in the early 60's! Life is good!
72/73 de K5HK/Carl
January 24, 2015