James A. 'Jim' Brown
Mansfield, LA
QCWA # 36165
Chapter 85
I am a retired 21-year Navy veteran, and a retired computer professional.
I have in my adult years written commercial software in several languages, and was a corporate Unix administrator for many years.
I was licensed in 1961 as KN5JAZ. I upgraded to a conditional-class license a year later as K5JAZ. I allowed my license to elapse when I was in the Navy, and regained it after I retired in 1986. I obtained my old callsign under the vanity program.
I am a member of the ARRL, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Fleet Reserve Association, and Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association.
I support QRZ.com, LOTW, eQSL.cc, QRZCQ, ClubLog, EPC, FISTS CW Club and QCWA.
March 19, 2015