Lawrence W. 'Larry' Hammel
Georgetown, TX
QCWA # 23686
I enjoy contesting, DXing and regular operating . primarily on CW.
First licensed in 1965 as WN9QFT. Attended the University of Missouri - Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology) in the 1970's and too much time at the college club station WØEE. Past president of the Central Texas DX and Contest Club. Currently serve as ARRL Sweepstakes Manager. Volunteer at the World Radiosport Team Championship 2006 (Brazil) and 2014 (New England.)
Active in past trips as: 6Y2Z, 6Y5/K5OT, C5Z, EY2A, EY8/K5OT, HC8L, PJ2/K5OT, PJ4/K5OT, PJ4A, TK4Z, XE2/K5OT, XX9TOT, & XX9X. I have also enjoyed operating with some incredible multi-op contest teams around the U.S. including K3LR, W4AN, K5MR, WØIH, and WXØ plus the many excellent Central Texas stations that include K5TR, K5NA, N3BB, N5AW, N5TW, NX5M, W5KFT and others.
QSL Manager for N6ZZ Phil Goetz (SK 2007). Dick N6AA - and then Phil N6ZZ - are the only two ops to have operated the CQWW DX Contest from each of the 40 CQ zones. Most of Phil.s individual logs since the mid-1990s have been uploaded to LOTW, but I will answer direct QSL requests (SASE appreciated) or those received via the bureau.
Also handle QSL requests for KT5J & W5CT.
Hope to meet you on the air soon!
Larry K5OT
May 26, 2015