Kenneth R. Goodwin Jr
Houston, TX
QCWA # 25836
Chapter 184
Introduced to the hobby in 1955 at San Juan, Puerto Rico by Father Ed Turner, KP4WN/KV4BQ (sk). I was first licensed as K1ONW on May 9, 1960 as a Technician class while living in Argentia, Newfoundland. I later upgraded to a Conditional class station later that summer in Quarker Hill, Connecticut. My Elmer's were Gary (ex-W1FEU) & Tom (W1IOH) Speirs and Steve Aug, K2EOF/1 now W3DEF, who administrated the Conditional license exam.
When my father was transferred to the USCG station in St. Petersburg, Florida, I took on a second station call (allowed in those days) of W4VLH from 1961-62. In 1963 my father was transferred to Boston where I became an active participant in the Eastern Massachusetts Net (EMN) and 1RN while attending Tufts University (W1KN) to become an EE. Bud, K2KIR (now W2RU) introduced me to the EAN. I got into traffic, receiving a BPL medallion in 1963.
After undergrad, I moved to Texas with the space program in 1968 (MIT Instrumentation Lab/Draper Laboratory) and was even net manager of TEX (known as Route Manager in those days) with my Yankee call, which I later changed to W5UGE. When the FCC allowed Extra class licensees to pick their own call, I selected K5RG, which happens to be the three initials of my full name.
It is a "virgin" call having never been assigned since it was saved for Navy reserve radio stations by the FCC.
Station: IC-7800, IC-PW1, IC-9100 (1.6 - 1200 MHz w/D-Star), FT-1000D, SCS PTC-IIPro, Johnson Viking Ranger/Courier, HQ-145C, 3-element 40 M beam, 50-1200 MHz Create Log, 80 M Delta Loop, 40-10 M Windom, 160 M Dipole all hooked to a Rohn 80 foot SSV tower and some tall pine trees. It has been cw traffic for many years. I did a five-year term as Chairman of the Central Area Staff. I have the CAN NCS job on Wednesday, which I've had since the early 1970's and currently two TCC skeds. Life Member of ARRL, QCWA and OOTC.
Member/Officer of NASA JSC Amateur Radio Club (W5RRR), ARRL Diamond Club, A-1 Operator Club, BPL (Medallion), TAPR. I've enjoyed every minute - even during the summers in Texas!! Web Page: http://sce.uhcl.edu/goodwin Weather Station: http://www.weatherlink.com/user/krgoodwin/ which has the UV, Solar Radiation and the XYL's garden moisture parameters under the Summary page. The wind gauge is 70 feet up the tower above the trees.
March 4, 2015