Nathern 'Barry' Priddy
Chesapeake, VA
QCWA # 27072
Chapter 119
I was first licensed in June 1959, at the age of 14, as a Novice. My call was KN5VIP. In March 1960, I upgraded to Conditional and dropped the N from my call. I upgraded to Advanced in 1985, keeping my K5VIP callsign. In February 2007, I finally upgraded to Amateur Extra, and I still kept K5VIP as my call sign.
I worked 32 years of my adult life, following college graduation with a BSEE degree in 1968, in the space and missile field: the first twenty years as a USAF officer, and the remainder as a contractor at Cape Canaveral, Florida. I retired from the USAF in 1988 and retired for good from the Lockheed Martin commercial Atlas program in 2000. Between 1968 and 2000, I did manage to earn two master's degrees: the first in electrical engineering and the second in Business Administration.
I enjoy chasing DX, building/repairing equipment, and phone patching for US military aircraft and deployed personnel on the USAF MARS Phone Patch network. I have been a member of USAF MARS for over 30 years.
I do respond to QSL's I receive, but would appreciate getting a SASE to facilitate the process. I'm registered with Logbook of the World and appreciate receiving confirmations by that means.
First ham station - August 1960

Heathkit DX-35 transmitter with a VF-1 VFO and a Hallicrafters S-85 receiver with a Heathkit QF-1 Q-multiplier.
July 8, 2012