Richard L. 'Dick' Brocaw
Arvada, CO
QCWA # 18003
Chapter 58
First licensed as KN5VYT in New Mexico in 1959, upgraded to General in 1960 and later to Advanced, I have held the same call and been continuously licensed since 1959.
I joined the US Navy in 1968, spent two years on the USS Yorktown, CVS-10 with three tours to Vietnam, then two years at the Fleet Intelligence Center in Norfolk VA. While on the Yorktown, I was involved with the recovery of Apollo 8, and handled many phone patches back to the US at Christmas 1968. When at Norfolk, I made extensive use of the club station and started mobile operations. After leaving the service I spent about ten years in the Navy MARS program.
Graduated from New Mexico State University in 1972 with a BSEE. I then spent 16 years with Public Service Company of New Mexico, 6 years with Public Service Company of Colorado, and 10 years with IBM. All my positions were in IT: programming, systems analysis and software engineering mainly in real time data acquisition and control. I was involuntarily retired in 2005.
Current rig is a Yaesu FT-DX5000, Yaesu Quadra, Kenwood TS-2000. The Johnson Thunderbolt in the photo is one I rebuilt in 2009. Antenna is a Cushcraft X-7 with 40 meters on 55 foot tower. The mobile station is a Kenwood TS-480SAT with Comet UHV-6 antenna.
Note that I upload my logs to LoTW on the first of every month.
I still collect QSL cards, so if you need Colorado for anything and work me, I will be glad to return your card, no SASE or $ required, US or DX.
When not chasing DX, I generally hang out on the County Hunters nets on either 7.188 or 14.336. Still looking for the rare DX, current DXCC count is 295 worked, 295 confirmed. I try to work in most of the major contests.
Thanks for looking 73 and DX.
July 12, 2015