Edward S. 'Ed' Sherlock
Tucson, AZ
QCWA # 36955
Chapter 16
I'm Ed Sherlock, originally licensed in November 1969 as WB6LDR, then WB7UTL, then N6KIV, and now I hold K6ESS, a vanity call. My Tech+ license went to General when I passed 13 WPM code. I was a General for the 30 minutes it took to pass the Advanced test, got a real Advanced license with 13 WPM code, and in 2002, upgraded to Amateur Extra. I am active on VHF and UHF, and on 80-10 Meter SSB as my schedule allows.
I retired after 45 years designing, programming, and integrating Automatic Test Equipment for aircraft and missiles in the aerospace industry. I'm a member of the Southern Arizona Rescue Association (SARA), usually spending my evenings and weekends in the beautiful Santa Catalina mountains high above Tucson, interfering with Mother Nature's natural selection process. :-)
My beautiful bride is June, KE7JJU. We have a Labrador Retriever, Sarah, and a rescue Lab/Boxer?/Pit? mix, Moose, that are very special to us. With five kids and 7 G-kids, we are on the road quite a bit. The next big project is maybe, possibly, hopefully, eventually moving back to California, our true home.

January 23, 2016