Joseph 'Joe' Tumminaro
Woodside, CA
QCWA # 30950
I retired as the Founder and Chief Strategy Officer for Chordiant Software on March 31, 2002. Chordiant Software makes customer relationship management software to enable businesses to serve their customers on the Web, Phone, Fax or Email.
I was born in Chicago, Illinois and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1975. I'm married (Carol) with 3 children (John 32, Maddy 30 and Louis 30).
John is working in High Tech Marketing as a Product Manager and lives in Redwood City.
Louis graduated College in August 2006 and is working in marketing in San Francisco.
Maddy graduated from the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco and was working as a chef in Aspen Colorado. She started a business manufacturing Vegan Snacks called Wild Mountain Foods. Maddy lives in Gunnison, CO. Maddy is also a Ham (KC0ZAP)
Carol started a new venture in San Carlos, California so I moved back to California from Aspen, Colorado to join her. We live in Woodside California.
My passions are People, Computer Technology, Aviation and Ham Radio. I am an Airline Transport Rated Pilot and a Certified Flight Instructor. I fly Charter in a Lear 45 for "Dreamline Aviation". I regularly fly as a volunteer for Angelflight.
At the Woodside QTH, we run a collection of Collins S-line equipment which I enjoy keeping on the air.
I have a Cessna 180 with APRS and an HF radio. You can track me at the following link: APRs -K6JFT-7
--Joe de K6JFT
QSL Via Direct, www.eQSL.cc or BURO
Visit my Web page: tumminaro.com/joe
March 16, 2013