Douglas E. 'Doug' Mulloy
Hillsboro, OR
QCWA # 18863
Continuously licensed since 1957 (KN7ABX then) in 8th grade. Have operated at club stations W7ACY, Tillamook, OR (1957-61), K7UEB College Place, WA (1961-65), K9NBH, Great lakes, IL (1966), WA4ECY Pensacola, FL (1967),WB6QEQ Imperial beach, CA (1967-69), KL7AIZ Adak Island, AK (1970-72), VQ9CI Diego Garcia, Chagos Islands, BIOT (1979-80), K1NAN Winter Harbor, ME (1974-79, 1980-84).
Held second station license at school, K7IMQ (1958-63). Was VQ9DM (1979-1980).
Retired US Navy, CTMCS (1966-86).
Have been active in Civil Air Patrol as Communicator, Pilot, Squadron Commander, Wing Director of Emergency Services, MissionCoordinator, mainly in Maine, but also Alaska and Oregon.
Also was active in Coast Guard Auxilary as Operational Pilot, Squadron Commander, Assistant District Staff Officer-Communications, Crew Member, Vessel Examiner, Instructor in Maine, Alaska, and Oregon.
Life Member Winter Harbor Lodge 192 AF&AM, ME. Member both York Rite and Scottish Rite, Shrine.
Life Member QCWA. Life member OOTC.
Private pilot, have been owned in the past by a Beechcraft 23 Musketeer.
Presently active only on 2 meter FM, ARES D1, SkyWarn, Astronomy, and WORC nets.
August 24, 2016