K7SZ 1946 - 2021
Richard H. 'Rich' Arland
Dacula, GA
QCWA # 27792
Chapter 165
First Call: KN7YHA in 1963 Other Call(s): CT2BH, KA2AA, DA2NE, G5CSU and K7YHA
Richard H. “Rich” Arland, K7SZ, of Dacula, Georgia, died on October 7.
An ARRL member, he was 75. In addition to other books, Arland was the author of Low-Power Communication and other ARRL publications, and he was an avid QRP enthusiast and experimenter. Arland had been a radio amateur since 1963. He volunteered in the ARRL Field Organization as a Technical Advisor and as an Official Emergency Station since 1990.
From 2000 until 2003, Arland contributed the “QRP Power” column for QST. He has written for several other radio publications, including CQ, Popular Communications, Worldradio, and Monitoring Times.
He entered amateur radio as a broadcast band and short-wave listener. A US Air Force veteran, Arland worked for 20 years in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He and his wife Patricia, KB3MCT, relocated to Georgia in 2008.
In addition to QRP, Arland had an abiding interest in vintage “boat anchor” gear and had been restoring a Drake 2B and a Heathkit HR-10 receiver. He had planned to install a Hallicrafters SR-160 transceiver and matching power supply/speaker as his primary HF SSB radio.
Arland also was a collector and restorer of military communications radio equipment. His collection included a TRC-77A special ops HF radio and four ARC-5 “Command Set” receivers, complete with dynamotors. He procured an AN/GRC-109 CIA/Special Forces portable HF “spy radio” used extensively in Vietnam for back-up for communication. He held an FCC General Radiotelephone Operator’s License (GROL).
Arland also enjoyed experimenting with antennas, building and using QRP gear, SWLing, and CW operating.
Author, QRP Enthusiast Rich Arland, K7SZ, SK (arrl.org)