Donald R. 'Don' Miller
Cheyenne, WY
QCWA # 20513
Chapter 140
I retired from the Wyoming Game & Fish Department in 2000. I was a public information officer and education specialist.
A ham since 1962, I was KN7TFW until I became a Conditional in 1963. I took Advanced and Extra class tests in Casper, Wyoming when the Denver FCC office tested there two times a year. I enjoy cw traffic handling and rag chewing. I also dabble in tube gear restoration. So far I've tried an S-38D, a BC348 and a Johnson Ranger. Field day and Straight Key Night are my favorite operation activities
I am a member of Fists, SKCC, QCWA, Morse Telegraph Club, and the Shy-WY amateur Radio Club in Cheyenne, WY. I am also interested in vocal music, bluegrass music and hunting and fishing. I sing in two choirs and play in two country/bluegrass bands.
HF equipment is a new Ten-Tec Eagle, a Ten-Tec Omni VI+, and a homebrew vertical and dipoles.
I have a small telegraph key collection and enjoy balloon launching with the Edge of Space Sciences group.
I hope to see you on the CW bands.
July 21, 2016