Dennis P. Moriarty
Canton, OH
QCWA # 15164
Chapter 21
K8AGB since January 1956, FCC Commercial Operators License since 1958 and membership with: QCWA Inc., Radio Club of America since Jan 1992, Serving as a trustee with the Canton Amateur Radio Club / W8AL, Serving as a Director (trustee) with Canton (OH) Chapter # 21 QCWA, Hirams Hams and a Honorary Member of : Amateur Radio Club of Columbia County,Inc.
R.A.I.N. editor Hap Holly KC9RP suggested that I share the following; (from RAIN Report of Sat Nov.9,2002) DAYTON HAMVENTION FORUM LECTURES 02 & 03 available for your meetings-- Title: RADIO and TELEVISION INTERFERENCE
Dennis Moriarty K8AGB presents his Educational and Entertaining lecturers based on 30 years of investigating Radio & TV Interference, Primarily from electric power lines, While also including Customer Appliance caused Radio & TV Interference. The HAMVENTION Lecture(s) contained two parts: 1st. Causes and Cures of Electric Distribution Line Radio & TV Inteference. 2nd. Causes and Cures of Customer Appliance Radio & TV Interference, including BPL. WITH SELF-HELP SUGGESTIONS FOR: a.Identifing the Interference Type / Source. b.Locating said Interference using a portable receiver. c.Working with your neighbors to locate your appliance Interference. d.Working with the local Electric Utility, including Part 15 violations. e.[ LAST STEP ] When to contact the F.C.C.
Hap Holly KC9RP HAMVENTION 2002 Ham of the Year and Editor of the RAIN Report has ran the "Customer Appliance R &TV Int. portion twice, an encore presentation.
Dennis is retired from one of America's Largest Investor Owned Electric Utility System after almost 33 years of Telecommunications activities.
K8AGB since January 1956, FCC Commercial Operators License since 1958 and membership with: Q.C.W.A. #15164, Radio Club of America since Jan. 1992, Serving as a trustee with the Canton Amateur Radio Club / W8AL ( http://www.w8al.org ), Serving as a Director (trustee) with Canton (Oh.) Chapter # 21 Q.C.W.A., Hirams Hams and a Honorary Member of the Columbia County Amateur Radio Club of Columbia County, Georgia USA, The home for Special Event Station Operation W4O, "O" as in Oliver--During the Annual Oliver Hardy Festival every 1st. Saturday in October from HARLEM, Georgia. (www.harlemga.org Click on Events, then Oliver Hardy Festival &Then, visit the Laurel & Hardy Museum at: http://webpages.charter.net/thebrain/. Also the Father of Dottie Moriarty KD8DQU.
As of 29 March, 2012, Appointed by the ARRL as a "TECHNICIAL SPECALIST" in Ohio, relating primarily to the above.
As of August 2012, Member of ARRL: The Royal Order Of The WOUFF HONG.
As of March 2013, Member of ARRL: A-1 Operator Club.
As of July 2014,Ten-Ten International Net, Inc. # 77096
For availibility and other information, contact me at k8agb-2@att.net or 330-479-9722
["SPARKIE" & "LOOK-A-LIKE'S" provided the eqpt. and supplies for this e-mail,goto: www.Whitesquirrel.com/stan2.html and www.patfullerton.com Then Click on:Sparkie and Look A Likes]
February 27, 2015