K8CQ - April 17, 2018
Jeffery I. Lackey
St Simons Island, GA
QCWA # 16726
Chapter 39
First Call: KN9MOA Other Calls: K9MOA W8HST
Loving husband, father, and grandfather Jeffery (Jeff) Irvin Lackey, of St. Simons Island, Ga. was surrounded by his family at his passing on Tuesday, April 17, 2018.
Left to cherish Jeff's memories are his loving wife of 49 years, Bobbi Lackey of St Simons Island, GA; his daughter, Jil Lackey of Brunswick, Ga.; a son and daughter-in-law, Jay and Rebecca Lackey of Andover, Mass.; his grandson Spencer Jeffery and granddaughter Greta Jane.
Jeff received his BS in physics from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and MSE in engineering from the University of Michigan.
He was a fellow in the ASQ American Society for Quality, at one time holding the Regional director position of the Jacksonville section.
His passions included being an active Amateur Radio operator for over 60 years and a life member of the American Radio Relay League including being a past president of the Glynn County Amateur Radio Association. He was a founding member and treasurer of the Golden Isles Woodworkers Club.
Jeff and Bobbi retired to St. Simons Island in 2001. He cherished the roll of self-proclaimed tour guide and host to the islandâs treasures including his favorite locations, the Pier and surrounding live oaks.
A private celebration of Jeffâs life will be held at a future date.
Donations can be made to the Jeff Lackey scholarship fund awarded by the Jacksonville Northeast Florida ASQ section at www.asq1506.org
Arrangements are entrusted into the care of Edo Miller and Sons Funeral Home
Glad to QSL for IOTA NA-058, grid EM91 and/or Glynn County Georgia. I upload to LoTW on a daily basis. QSLs direct or via buro will be responded to as quickly as possible. I work mostly CW (>97% of QSOs), some SSB, and I've been working PSK31 since Dec 2009, and JT65 on HF since Jan 2011. I will be happy to make skeds if you need a QSL.
I was first licensed in 1958 as KN9MOA as a Novice, upgraded to Technician in 1958 as K9MOA, and upgraded to General in 1959. In 1966 I moved to Ohio and was issued W8HST. I upgraded to Advanced (1972) and then Extra Class (1973) at the FCC Field Office in Detroit. Taking the Extra Class exam was interesting since you had to send 20 wpm code for one minute. I had no sooner started when the examiner stopped me and said I passed. Another fellow who followed me flunked the sending test for his General Class license and had to go home. The examiner asked him if he had ever sent code before; and the fellow said "No, he had never used any kind of handkey before." His first time was in the Detroit office. It was pretty obvious, too. His hand was coming off the key about 6 to 10 inches as he pounded the hand key. Terrible technique. Too bad he had to go home without even having a chance to take the written exam. In 1977 I traded the W8HSTcall in for K8CQ when Extra Class licensees could apply for 2-letter calls of their choice.
I operate from our retirement home on St. Simons Island, one of the barrier islands along the Atlantic coast of Georgia. We have great shrimp, beautiful 300-year-old Live Oak trees with Spanish moss, a great beach, and wonderful bike riding trails. I keep busy doing woodworking, and I would be happy to exchange ideas, photos, etc. for woodworking projects.
CC&R restrictions limit the antenna farm. I run 90 watts with an FTDX-3000. Part of the time I use the aluminum rain gutter on the back of the house as an antenna for 160 to 30 meters. I use a 16 ft flag pole for 20 to 6 meters. And I also have a 50 ft random length wire (14 ft high) fed as an inverted L with an SGC ATU and 16 ground radials that I use on all bands. I now have 319 DXCC worked and 313 confirmed on all bands; 150 worked on 80m; and over 1500 confirmed for the DXCC Challenge (July 2014). I need to make the application, but I have finally reached 100 confirmed DXCC entities on 8 bands; 200 confirmed on 5 bands. Thank you LoTW. On 6m, I've worked 17 DXCC entities (one QSO to CT1) and 39 states using the flagpole. In CQ Magazine's DX Marathon, I've been consistently one of the high scorers in the Formula 100 watt class. In 2013 I was 5th worldwide working all 40 zones and 235 countries. So don't let antenna restrictions keep you off the bands. It's a lot of fun and a great challenge to work the DX pile ups. And it's even more fun to tell others what I'm using for my antenna farm!!!
73 and best DX, Jeff K8CQ
