David J. 'Dave' Vest
Goshen, OH
QCWA # 32075
Chapter 214
K8DV is active on SSB, CW and RTTY on 160 through 6 meters and spends most of his time chasing DX and after 25 years of hamming in 2006, he received DXCC and has been bitten by the DX bug.
The main station consists of a Elecraft K3, Elecraft KPA500. The secondary station consists of a Icom IC-756 Pro III, Alpha 76PA. The backup rig is a Kenwood TS-570dg and Ameritron AL-572.
K8DV antennas consist of a 3 element SteppIR with 30/40 meter add-on and inverted vee's on 80, 40 and 160. For 80 and 40 K8DV also uses a Hy-Gain Hy-Tower. K8DV also uses an inverted Vee on 160 and uses a K9AY receiving loop antenna system by Array Solutions on lower bands.
K8DV also enjoys a boatanchor collection that consist of several differentpieces of equipment ranging from Heathkit,Drake and Kenwood and others.
A favorite piece of equipment is the first radio that his Dad got for both of them to use when K8DV got his General ticket, a Ten Tec 540 with Power Supply and remote VFO and it works just as good today as it did 35 plus years ago.
Besides enjoying rag chewing and having good old fashion QSOs K8DV is always working on adding to his DXCC count (325 and counting) and completed "5" band W.A.S. (Completed 80, 40, 20, 15. 10) with endorsements for 160 and 30 meters. K8DV recently received his USA-CA 500 #3541 from CQ and his WAZ.
K8DV DXCC awards earned Mixed, SSB, CW, and RTTY. 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters earning 9 Band DXCC as of February 2014. K8DV's current total mixed DXCC count stands at 325. K8DV is also a DXCC Card Checker for ARRL and is aurthorized to check 160 cards as well as VUCC and W.A.S. cards for ARRL awards.
You can find him active during the Mad River Sponsored Ohio QSO www.ohqp.org party in August. First Place M/M in 2011 and 2012, 2013 setting all time M/M scoring recored in 2012. He also operates many of the ARRL sponsored contest such as Field Day, Sweep Stakes, 160 Contest. He usuallys operate some in the CQ World Wide contest CW, SSB and 160 meter. In 2008 AA8HH, K8CR and K8DV took first place in the Ohio Section for Phone Sweep Stakes.
K8DV is proud to have been selected by the SWODXA South West Ohio DX Association to represent W1AW/8 in the 2010 IARU contest in July for 75 meter phone, please look for us and give us a QSO. K8DV once again participated from his station during the W1AW/8 2014 centennial event operating on SSB, CW and RTTY in March 2014.
K8DV is a life member of the American Radio Relay League, A1-Op club, DXCC, Forty Over Club, Geratol Net #699, Life memeber of QCWA (Quarter Century Wireless Association) 32075, QCWA Bluegrass Chapter 214 and SWODXA (South West Ohio DX Association) 10-10 30135.
K8DV is the trustee for the club calls of the following:QCWA 214 (W8LMF) and Forty Over Club (K8FOC).
K8DV is the trustee for The Forty Over Club UHF repeater located near Owensville, Ohio. (East side of Cincinnati)on 443.450 + with an access tone of 142.6hz. Feel free to come by and use the repeater that is what it is there for, all is welcome.
K8DV is also a volunteer for the 8th area incoming QSL bureau for the letter Q and enjoys being able to give back to the ham community. If your call suffix begins with a Q and has a 8 in it consider sending some envelopes with postage to have on file.
If you hear K8DV on the air stop by and say Howdy or if you need a QSL for Ohio or Clermont County shot him an e-mail (k8dv at cinci.rr.com) to setup a schedule and he will be glad to help you out.
October 07, 2015