Harry M. Frietchen
Mansfield, OH
QCWA # 16736
Chapter 117
I was first licensed at age 14 as a Novice in 1958. The license came two days after my 15th birthday, but was dated two days before it. I passed the General test that same year. I have three degrees in electrical engineering from Purdue and Ohio University. After completing graduate school, I took the Advanced test 2 months before entering the Army and the Extra test the month before. After a year at the Army Electronics Command in Ft. Monmouth, NJ field testing a portable microwave helicopter landing system, I served as a Captain in the Army Signal Corps in Vietnam.
After returning from overseas I joined my father.s automatic screw machine products company. I sold the company and retired in 2006.
In the 70s and 80s I chased DX and prefixes and have worked about 230 countries, have DXCC on both SSB and CW and have multiple WPX awards on both SSB and CW. I do some PSK-31 and RTTY, having worked 76 countries on RTTY. Current equipment includes a Yaesu FT-1000MP, SB-220, TA-33-WARC beam @ 50 feet, and an Alpha Delta Sloper on 160-80-40.
I am a life member of QCWA, ARRL, Intercity ARC, Ft. Myers Beach VFW Post 10097, and Vietnam Veterans of America. I have been a Rotarian since 1983 and a member of ROAR, Rotarians of Amateur Radio.
I winter in Fort Myers, Florida for about 5 months. I am a member of the Ft. Myers ARC and attend the Edison Chapter 196 of QCWA. In Ohio I am on 160 through 10, 2 and 440 FM. In Florida, I use a FT-100d and mobile whips, mostly on 20 SSB and 2 FM.
September 18, 2015