Frederick S. 'Fred' Freer
Mayfield Village, OH
QCWA # 19459
Chapter 1
First Call: K8YBH Other Call(s): W8FSF
I've long been a member, supporter and advocate of and for those organizations that promote, lobby
for and support the mission and objectives of our hobby and the larger telecommunications industry.

In a galaxy far, far away and a time long, long ago, my interest in amateur radio was kindled by a neighbor who was a commander in the Navy but also a ham radio operator (W8 forgotten). He had a Hallicrafters SX-28 on his side porch connected to some sort of long-wire. I was allowed to use his receiver and listen to whatever I could discover. I now have an SX-28 that I am restoring for use. Maybe I can inspire one of my eight children, fourteen grandchildren or nearly five great grandchildren (or a neighbor child) to listen and learn as well.
Fast forward from about 1955 to 1960 when I was first licensed as a novice (KN8YBH) thanks to my SK Elmer (whose name and call I can no longer remember). Then along came my technician (K8YBH), general, extra and first class radiotelephone (now the GROL) licenses. Most importantly, ham radio kindled my interest in electronics and, with classes, study and guidance from professionals in the field, I serviced radios and televisions for Lee Road Electric and Lowe's Electronics Lab for about seven years while in high school. I also worked for Custom Communications servicing two-way radios, marine and aircraft avionics and Radiomobile where I serviced car radios for some years while in undergraduate school and graduate schools. Bottom line, ham radio has provided a ready path for income while in school and a lifetime of enjoyment and new friends.
I'd show a picture of my present antenna but who hasn't see a piece of #12 wire used as an end-fed. Now my B & W half-wave folded dipole is up and working well (again no picture 'cause its two wires instead of one!). Recently, I installed a 5BTV vertical with about twenty radials and a Cushcraft AR-6 and a Diamond Antenna Discone to feed the SDR and R-7000.
A few pictures of my shack...a work in progress like every amateur's shack or antenna farm!
Equipment includes a Hallicrafters S-40B, Collins KWM-2, Collins 75A-4 (ala W3HM), Collins S-3B and 32S-3,
Drake TR-4CW, Drake TR - 7 and R-7 receiver and a Dentron MLA-2500 and various Drake and Palstar tuners.

View of the shack with the ICOM 756, Ameritron AL-1500, Icom IC R-7000, W2IHY audio processor and equalizer,
and a monitor for the SDR Play RSP2 radio with a Johnson Viking Invader 2000 lingering on the shelf below.

the primary test bench below

rear test bench with equipment not in regular use below

rear test bench with equipment not in regular use below

works in progress including the Johnson Viking 1 and the SX-28
February 18, 2019