K8SWF - September 12, 2018
Roger P. Shirko
Winter Haven, FL
QCWA # 35380
Chapter 107
First Call: K8SWF Other Calls: KI4YQT
Got my first Ham ticket (Novice) at the ripe old age of 15 -- K8SWF (Short Wave Fool) back when you had to know code, and how tube amplifiers worked!! Moved on to Technician, working mostly 6 meters on a Benton Harbor Lunch Bucket. Went into the Air Force, and alas, the license dies, together with the interest. Four and a half decades later, I'm BACK and loving it more than ever ... Tech and General licenses were a breeze. Finally passed the Extra !!
Equipment consists of an Elecraft K3, ICOM 706 MK II-G, GAP Vertical (Challenger), Heights 48 foot tower with a Cushcraft A4S with 40 meter addon and 2 Meter M2.
I've chipped the rust off my CW, and enjoy some rag chews on 40. I'm working to get my speed back up with practice and W1AW. PSK is awesome!! Thank you Intel and HRD.
I'm a ARES Member, VE (Laurel and ARRL), and member of Lake Wales Repeater Association (WWW.LWRA.US)