Harry P. Jones
St Charles, IL
QCWA # 33951
Chapter 2
DXpedition to Nunavut Territory in Canada with VY0/AH6EZ, VY0/K9DXA accomplished June 21 to July 2. We are now QRT.
We operated the ARRL Field Day with our own callsigns, total QSOs = 449
We operated Canada Day RAC Contest using , total QSOs = 425
Overall QSO count = 4107
We had a good time and thanks to your interest in our DXpedition.
We were not able to activate IOTA NA-185 because of the ice conditions.
Full logs have been uploaded to ClubLog and also to LOTW
We have returned QSL cards to all received.
Please QSL all VYØRAC contacts to RAC at the following address.
Radio Amateurs of Canada
720 Belfast Road, Suite 217
Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 0Z5.
Check out our web site at http://ah6ez.yolasite.com
I operate cw, ssb, am, digital modes, and 80m to 70cm bands. I am an active member of the Fox River Radio League in Aurora, IL. Check out their web site, www.frrl.org
Originally licensed in 1962 as WN9DXA. Moved up to Technician - WA9DXA a few months later, and on to General late 1962. Left the hobby for school, job, and family. Then back in a few years ago.
Main interests are QRP portable and SDR.
May 06, 2015