K9EN - January 25, 2018
Kenneth A. 'Ken' Ebneter
Portage, WI
QCWA # 15955
Chapter 55
First Call: KN9GSC
Jan 26, 2018 Kenneth A. Ebneter, 84, passed away Thursday, Jan. 25, 2018, at Tivoli in Portage.
Ken was born June 8, 1933, to Ernest and Iona (nee Kubly) Ebneter in Evansville. He graduated from Portage High School in 1951. Ken's lifelong passion was electronics. He was extraordinarily intelligent! He worked for Hays Music Store for many years as a repair person. He was also a highly-skilled engineer. Several radio and TV stations in the quad-state area called on his expertise when nobody else could figure out the problem. It was often said, "If Ken can' fix it, it can' be fixed!"
Whenever he was asked when he planned to retire, he always replied, "You don' retire from a hobby!"
Ken always demonstrated effortless and enormous patience in everything he did. He took everything in stride. There wasn' much, if anything, that could ruffle his feathers. Ken was a member (and former Exalted Ruler) of the Portage Elks Club, the Portage Kiwanis Club, Portage Jaycees, Portage Country Club and Portage Curling Club. Ken was 1st Ward alderman in Portage for many years. He joked about winning without even running. He was never condescending about it; he was honored by it. Ken was an active member in several other local organizations and community doings, as well.
Ken was a charter member and mainstay of the Yellow Thunder Radio Club, known to fellow ham radio friends as K9EN. His dedication to the club was clear to all that knew him. For decades, he printed the newsletter for the club in his own basement on a printing press.
Ken was an NFL fan, specifically of the Green Bay Packers, but enjoyed passing along jokes he' heard about the Vikings and the Bears. He was always ready with a riddle to share with his nieces and nephews.
Ken is survived by his two sisters, Carol Zuhlke of Dalton and Judy Ebneter of Portage; nieces, Sandy Padgett, Diana (Terry) Alsum, Dana (Don) Dittberner, Patricia Reick; nephews, Ronald Zuhlke and George Lawver; numerous cousins, great-nieces, great-nephews and many friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Virginia âPeggyâ Lawver; brother, James Ebneter; brothers-in-law, Raymond Zuhlke and Robert Lawver Sr; two nephews, Robert Lawver Jr. and William Lawver; two nieces, Starla Forsythe and Suzan Tebon.
Per Ken's request, there will be no services. The family would like to thank the staff of Tivoli for taking such good care of Ken while he resided there for the past year.
Pflanz Mantey Mendrala Funeral Home in Portage (www.pmmfh.com) is assisting the family.