John A. Facella
Westford, MA
QCWA # 20503
John Facella, P.E., C.Eng., K9FJ, is a Principal at Panther Pines Consulting, LLC, specializing in public safety communications consulting, and general management consulting.
He won a science fair prize in the 3rd grade for a crystal radio he built, and has been in wireless ever since, including over 30 years in public safety radio with Motorola, Harris, and a national consulting company.
He has also held general management positions in a number of high tech startup companies. Mr. Facella has been a frequent presenter at wireless industry trade shows, and written numerous articles. He has been a member of many organizations, and currently serves on the NPSTC Broadband EMS Working Group, and the National Fire Protection Association 1221 and 1802 committees.
He has a BSEE from Georgia Tech, and an MBA in marketing.
Mr. Facella served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps as a platoon leader.
He is a life member of the IEEE; is a Fellow, Life Member, and Director of the RCA, and won the RCA President's award in 2014; and is also a life member of the ARRL, QCWA, and AWA.
He is also a part-time fire fighter and EMT.
December 16, 2016