Emil F. 'Fred' Homuth
Santa Fe, NM
QCWA # 31178
Chapter 130
Photo taken at the 2011 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention in Taos, New Mexico during the Mobile Antenna Shoot-Out competition (took 3rd Place; only -1.33 dBm below 1st Place of KØWJ). I am the person standing in the middle. Mobile rig is a Icom 706 MkII transceiver and the screwdriver antenna is a Scorpion SA 6-160 that produce many good signal reports. Hope to work you from the mobile sometime, on 160m through 2m HF/VHF.
Enjoy ragchewing 160m through 70cm from home qth and operating mobile rover for the New Mexico QSO Party every April. Also operate IRLP node 3939 for variety; monitor the Kenwood TKR-820 UHF node repeater 24/7 so give me a call. Really like to operate 160m from the mobile running only 100 watts and believe in calling CQ to make a contact. I still like to collect QSL cards for my contacts so please QSL if I worked you.
If you hear me, please give me a call.
73, Fred
Please work special event station K5Z celebrating the 88th burning of Zozobra: 2012 Fiestas de Santa Fe by the Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe on September 6th through the 9th, 2012. (See QRZ.com: K5Z; September 2012 QST; and photos below).
Operated "Kiwanis 5 Zozobra" from the burn site as K5Z mobile on 80m, 40m, 20m, and 17m on HF and on 2m using the NM Megalink. Really enjoyed explaining what Zozobra and Fiesta de Santa Fe are all about. www.burnzozobra.com www.kiwanis-sf.org
Congratulations to everyone who worked special event station K5Z celebrating the 88th burning of Zozobra: 2012 Fiestas de Santa Fe. Be sure to submit your QSL card for the special K5Z "Zozobra" limited edition QSL card.
December 14, 2015