Roland C. 'Carl' Luetzelschwab
Ft Wayne, IN
QCWA # 35488
Chapter 36
My interest in Amateur Radio developed from my SWL days in the 5th and 6th grade using a National NC-60 with a long-wire out the basement window and over to our garage. My Amateur Radio interests ultimately led to a career in electronics.
I've always been fascinated with how an electromagnetic wave can go to extreme distances, and this led to my interest in propagation. I doubt that the "magic of radio" will ever leave me, and I eagerly look forward to listening to far away signals on the bands.
Please visit my Propagation website at http://k9la.us. There you'll find many informative and practical articles from my monthly WorldRadio Propagation column, along with articles that I have contributed to other Amateur Radio publications. While there you can also read about my Novice days and my interest in aviation.
August 29, 2016