George H. Byrkit
Dexter, MI
QCWA # 32909
Chapter 215
George Byrkit, K9TRV, was first licensed at age 15 in 1966 as a one year Novice. He came back to the hobby in 2004, achieving an Amateur Extra license within a month.
Since then, he has been active on HF, VHF and UHF. He is an avid DXer, contester, rag-chewer, and is an active member of local RACES and ARES organizations. He is a life member of ARRL and QCWA. He became interested in Digital modes upon returning to the Hobby.
He is an accomplished professional computer programmer, and has been active in the OpenHPSDR projects since 2008. He became almost immediately involved with writing software for KISS and other related OpenHPSDR projects. He worked to explore whether WinUSB was a usable alternative to libusb0 (no!). And then he worked to provide signed libusb0 drivers. He contributed to the Metis project thru his work in how to discover Metis boards on Windows.
Since then, he has provided a .unified. version of KISS Konsole that supports both USB and Ethernet, and has become the KISS Konsole maintainer. He is currently developing installers for KISS Konsole and W5WC PowerSDR, to make installation of this important software easier for the next wave of OpenHPSDR adopters. He is a no-nonsense programmer and HAM. He has attended and staffed the TAPR booth at the past 3 Dayton Hamventions.
George Byrkit, K9TRV
January 30, 2017