K9ZWH 1931 - 2019
Robert 'Bob' Palambo
Park Forest, IL
QCWA # 19338
First Call: KN9ZWH in 1960
On the morning of Monday, November 18, 2019, at 7:25 a.m. , our dear friend, and long-time member of the Dixie Amateur Radio Club, passed away peacefully and became a Silent Key. Bob was 87 years old. Bob suffered a very serious fall on the evening of Halloween, and after surgery for several major injuries sustained in the fall, he unfortunately never recovered.
Many thanks to those who spent time at the hospital with Bob, Your prayers for Bob's comfort in his last days and for blessings upon Diana for strength and comfort are greatly appreciated by her. This has been a very hard time for her and she will have much need for our prayers and our support going forward.
Bob was continuously licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator since 1958. He served a term as President of the Dixie Amateur Radio Club. At the time of his passing he was still an active Volunteer Examiner (V.E.) under the American Radio Relay League Volunteer Examination Coordination system and holds the honor of having participated in 217 separate Volunteer Exam sessions, more than any other V.E. in the entire state of Utah. He absolutely enjoyed being there at those V.E. sessions and, despite difficulties incident to age, he always did his best to help. His smiling face will be missed at sessions going forward. New hams owe a debt of gratitude for Bob's services as an examiner.
Bob, and his wife Diana moved to Utah from Chicago. They fell in love with the beautiful area here in Utah's Dixie. They had a home built for them in the western part of St. George on a small plateau (good for ham radio!).
Bob held numerous Amateur Radio related operating awards. One he was particularly proud of was the "Worked All Counties" award, in which he had made 2-way contact with a ham in every county of the U.S. In recent months it was arranged so that he could operate his HF station on 40 meters and he became a member of the Beehive Utah Net earlier this year and checked in that net every day at 12:30 PM local time on 7272KHz. Many thanks to the various net control stations for listening and pausing slightly to make sure Bob got acknowledged.
Bob has a very interesting past. For many years he was active motorcyclist on his Harley Davidson shovelhead. They took many trips two-up out from Chicago to distant places like Sturgis SD, and Glacier National Park Montana, and across the width of Canada. He later bought a Harley VROD and enjoyed riding that out here in Utah and the surrounding area.
Bob loved muscle cars and was the proud owner of a pristine Pontiac Firebird (with the iconic bird on the hood). Bob enjoyed using a large telescope and stargazing.
Bob was a music major and graduated from a prestigious music academy. In his earlier days he played a number of instruments including the trumpet and performed. He held several occupations over his lifetime and was loved by everyone he came in contact with.
Bob was a Veteran of the Korean War and served there with honor as a member of the 1st Infantry. He also was stationed for a period of time in Germany. Bob held on for many days beyond expectations and proved that he was indeed a fighting soldier to the very end.
We have many wonderful and lasting memories that help to mend our very heavy hearts. General George Patton said: "It is foolish to mourn the men who died, but rather we should thank God that such men lived".
So it is with Bob Palambo, K9ZWH. We will truly miss you!
73 for a final time to you, Bob!
Thanks have been given to the many doctors, nurses, and aides that assisted Bob and helped make sure he was as comfortable as possible until the end. His journey during this part of his eternal progression has ended, leaving behind some very heavy hearts, but also many wonderful and lasting memories.
Bob requested no services, however, a celebration of life is being planned.