George B. 'Jeep' Pearse
Hilton Head Island, SC
QCWA # 32989
Chapter 89
George Pearse = GP = Jeep (the WWII Army vehicle got its nickname from General Purpose = GP = Jeep)
So, call me "Jeep" or I may not even hear you. HI!
Retirement in 2003 brought us to Hilton Head Island where I connected with a fun group of hams. We lunch every Wednesday. Check for the time and place on the 2m W4IAR (147.24/147.84; PL=100 Hz) repeater around 9:15 to 9:45 Wednesday mornings. Technically, the proper time is 9:30 AM. Net Control also monitors the 440 W4IAR (442.675/448.675; PL=100 Hz) repeater which is in Bluffton on the mainland at the same time.
The station here is a Flex-5000A with the RX2 second receiver and the ATU antenna tuner. A homebrew control box operates my Icom AH-4 remote antenna tuner which drives an inverted "L". The antenna is about 52 feet horizontal at a height of 50 feet. It has worked well and is really quite stealthy in this antenna-restricted, gated community. Its performance has been certainly as good as my former four element beam at 52 feet back at the old QTH in Massachusetts.
I'm a member of the ARRL (since 1975); a Life Member of AMSAT (#1152); a Life Member of the QCWA (#32989); and a member of the Palmetto (SC) Chapter of the QCWA.
Here's some additional geographic/demographic information for those pursuing awards:
September 08, 2015