Harold C. 'Chet' Bacon
Plantsville, CT
QCWA # 36304
Chapter 149
Yaesu FT-950 - 100W
TH3 Thunder Bird on an AB-577 tower @ 35FT up/ 43foot vert DX Eng / 80-10 Fanned Dipole DXCC / 175 foot Long Wire w/9:1 UnUn by BalUn Designs
Ameritron AL-811h - Palstar HF-AUTO ATU (best add-on yet for the station!)
and an Old 1965 Henry 2K amp when needed abt 1200W (I don't push the old gal hihi)
On Digital PSK31 to JT65-HF - Signalink USB audio interface
Locator - FN31; County: Hartford State: Connecticut
Logging via: Ham Radio Deluxe, LoTW, Club Log, EQSL, QRZ
Main Radio - Icom IC-745 - 150W
HRD for spotting and Logging
Antenna is home brew 160-10 Meters Flat Top - 160 feet long fed with Ladder line and an Ugly Balun Choke, Buckmaster OCF 80-10, G5RV (sri Bob K1HSN it works) and a Hustler 4BTV 4-Band HF Vertical Antenna.
FT-102 complete station and a Heathkit SB-220 Amp for most bands (minus WARC for the amp)
FT-857D for digital modes all bands all modes with a SignaLink USB sound card
Original call - KA1ILH
Extra class CW at 20wpm thanks to Bob - K1HSN's teachings!

December 17, 2015