KA2FBL 1961 - 2019
Michael R. 'Mike' Rapp
Armonk, NY
QCWA # 34649
Chapter |46|181|
First Call: KA2FBL in 1979 Other Call(s): KC2SPO
In 1976 my father bought me a CB from a mail in coupon you detach off the envelope of a credit card payment.
I made friends, and in the Spring of 1979 after convincing my parents to allow me to spend all of my savings I bought a Yaesu FT-101EE. Boy did I love that radio. We lived in a big Co-Op apartment building in "Da Bronx", New York overlooking the Hudson and Harlem rivers. My dad was on the board of directors and he convinced them to let us put up a roof antenna. So using his position to the fullest I put up a 4 element Wilson Shooting Star beam. Now it worked great with the CB but I could not use the Yaesu for anything! In a very short time I was a Novice. The antenna had a A/B switch attached and I'd hit code with the Yaesu then switch to the CB other days and talk around the world!
My friends and I were driving around while chatting on the CB one night and spoke to some kids that invited us up (unknown to their babysitter) and next thing I knew it I met my future wife Carol "K3CWR" (the babysitter)! That was 28 years ago.
Four years ago I became very sick and let my license expire thinking I would be gone too, but Carol nursed me back to health. October 28th, 2007 was my first day back to work in 3 years.
In December 2007 I started my quest to regain what I lost so I studied again and passed my Tech test, being issued the call "KC2SPO".
January of 2008 saw the FCC issue me my original call "KA2FBL" back as a vanity. By April I was a General along with a VE for the ARRL & W5YI VEC's.
In May of 2008 I became an Extra and started Carol off with "the bug" by her passing the Tech exam. Carol has studied for her General license and passed that test at the BARA Hamfest in NJ.
K3CWR = The "K" is to link Carols call to mine, the "3" is her birthday (for good luck), and the "CWR" are her initials. This is her description of how she picked it.
Carols VE soon followed with the ARRL and W5YI VEC's.
Both Carol and myself are certified ARRL instructors also.
For my birthday in early December of 2008 Carol was going to give me a gift of her becoming an Extra. She told me this after passing her General at the BARA hamfest.
(it's been Over 2 Years, ya know)
Somehow I don't think she's interested in it enough to go for the Extra. We do everything together but that is something that you really have to want.
So that's my story. I'm sure you've heard better, just like I'm sure you'll hear worse. Only thing I know for sure is that I'm living my youth all over again with the same hobby, my best friend, and a partner who I love!
The photo of Carol and myself was taken on Field Day '08 Saturday at the WECA - Westchester Emergency Communications Association site.
QSL Cards are being printed as soon as I finish designing one. All contacts will receive a card once I have them in my hands. Please send cards to my home address. Thanks.
Want to say hi? You can catch us on the YARC (Yonkers Amateur Radio Club) 2 meter repeater 146.865 PL110.9. It's an open repeater but the pl is turned on when it gets a little noisey. We have nets on Monday Nights at 7:30 pm & Thursdays at 8:00 pm. There is also a Sunday net on 10 meters at 7:00 pm @ 28.456 mhz USB (all times are Eastern Time).
***** UPDATE: *****
We also are members of the Chestnut Ridge Radio Club and keep a radio on the 2 meter Chestnut Ridge repeater also, 146.955 PL141.3. Gordon, W2TTT is Net Controller on the Thursday night "Tech Net" at 9:00 pm ET.
Carol and I "VE" for YARC the first Sunday of each month at the Yonkers First Police Pct. @ 8:30 am. We "VE" for WECA on the Second Thursday of each month.
We also attend the YARC Fox Hunts at Tibbetts Brook Park in Yonkers (email me for the next date), along with the YARC "Retired Guys & Gals Luncheon" on the Third Thursday of each month. We can also be found at just about every YARC meeting which is held the Second Sunday of each month at the same location as the VE's and the WECA meetings on the Second Monday of each month held at the Westchester County Center.
***** UPDATE *****
Mike Jr. gave me a really cool gift for Fathers Day 2009. He did something he would not EVER do on his own. Mikie studied and passed his Tech test becomming a licensed Ham. His call is KC2VKH (Very Kind Ham).
***** UPDATE *****
On my Birthday.... December 6th 2009 Mikie passed his General Exam!
..... also, after the VE session was over... Carol with the help of Eddie WY5O threw me a really cool suprise Birthday Party! First time in 28 years Carol suprised me!
***** UPDATE *****
My next person in our family is my daughter. Well she's not exactly my daughter as much as Mikies girlfriend, but I think and treat her as if she was one of my own. I told Carol and Mikie that their gifts to me on my birthday in 2010 is to help her study to pass her Tech Test. They have 6 months to to it! Her Gift to me is another family member with a license. In return, everyone who gets a license receives a brand new Yaesu VX-6. Any license upgrades receive a Yaesu FT-857D. I have not had a Extra Class pop into the family other than my own. I guess I'd have to get that person a beam!
I guess you could say "I'm Liv'n Da Dream"!
Oh.... and I've been "hamming it up since 1979!"
Mike - KA2FBL