Alexander W. Crispo
Lafayette, IN
QCWA # 37355
Chapter 36
My interest in ham radio started in the early 1980's but I dropped the hobby after 10 years. A rekindled interest and a general ticket in Jan 2010 brought me back. I operate an Icom 7410 with an Alpha Delta inverted V up about 30 feet. I upgraded to extra class in Oct of 2011 and enjoy the privileges. I recently added an Icom 7600 and an Elecraft KPA 500 amplifier to my station. Another addition this year is a Hustler 6-BTV vertical.
I enjoy chasing DX and just rag chewing. I keep an electronic log on QRZ and LOW and enjoy tracking QTH's around the world. I also enjoy collecting QSL cards and will respond to any sent. I completed my WAS on AARL and recently was awarded WAS on QRZ.
I am a YL member #16503, a 10-10 member #51921, and belong to OMISS #9267. Also joined the Geratol net and collected QSL cards with advanced call signs from all 50 states in the advanced portion of the 80 meter band. A fun and challenging experience rewarded with a Geratol number in March of 2016.
Born in Brooklyn, I attended Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York where I received degrees in Engineering and Industrial Management. After graduation I worked for ALCOA Aluminum retiring after 28 years and then taught in a leadership program at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. Retired as a full Professor in May 2016. A total of 49 years for both carreers.
I live in north west Indiana and also have a cabin in the Adirondack Mountains of New Your State. Hobbies other then ham radio include, model railroading, woodworking, photography, camping, boating, and hiking.
During the summer months you might find me operating portable from the Adirondack Mountains on 10, 20 and 40 meters. Lots of trees for dipoles and close to the east coast make DXing fun.

February 25, 2017