Barton A. 'Bart' Jones
Bladen, NE
QCWA # 36936
Hello. Thanks for visiting my page.
I'm still not back on HF yet - after 20 years off-air. I still have a tower ON the ground instead of IN the ground, but I'll get there. I am working local on 2M and 70CM, and occationally, when the band is open, you can find me on 10 Meters AM.
The main slow-down is the fact that my youngest of 3 sons just entered college this fall. PLUS- All of my kids are finally out of the house, so I have more free time. MINUS- All of my kids are finally in college, so I have no money.
Radio is not only my hobby, it is also my carreer. I am the full-time staff Chief Engineer for 90.1 KFKX at Hastings College in Hastings Nebraska.
"Nebraska's BEST Alternative" "90.1 The X" Listen live at- http://rdo.to/kfkx
Attention would-be scammers and potential victims: I have nothing for sale or trade at this time. When in doubt, email me at the address listed on this site... it's a town in Alaska, even though I'm in Nebraska. 73
January 13, 2016