![KBØMPL - Margot H. Conard KBØMPL - Margot H. Conard](kb0mpl-38010-1.jpg)
Margot & Clay - QCWA Luncheon
March 2018 in Ames, IA
Margot H. Conard
Stratford, IA
QCWA # 38010
Chapter 123
3900 Club
First Call: KB0MPL issued in 1994
OM: Clay Q# 35461 WØFS
Have been a ham since 1994 and have had a general class license since 2002. My husband, W0FS, made me aware of ham radio when he started getting back on the air in 1989. Got my license originally because, before cell phones were so ubiquitous, the radio made it possible to call someone if my car broke down, and, here in central Iowa, I do a great deal of driving out in the country. Also, I was a physics major in college and, I suppose, I have always been interested in things pertaining to physics.
Get on the local ARES nets and on HF some. Using digital modes some. Am net control for the BARK (Boone Ameteur Radio Klub) nets once month. Created and maintain the BARK website (www.qsl.net/kb0tlm). Also active in providing ham radio support for community functions, such as the Boone Bash River Dash, and am somewhat active in the 3900 Club. We are often off to one hamfest or another and have been to Dayton a number of times.
My husband set up an HF station for me in our garage. My radio is an Yaesu FT-450D. My antenna is an eighty meter inverted V dipole. I use an Astron power supply and I use an external tuner to get on bands higher than 80 meters.
![KBØMPL - Margot H. Conard KBØMPL - Margot H. Conard](kb0mpl-38010-2.jpg)
![KBØMPL - Margot H. Conard KBØMPL - Margot H. Conard](kb0mpl-38010-3.jpg)
Mitch KBØLPI and Margot KBØMPI at Field Day in 2007
May 24, 2019