Rebecca E. Rich
Seattle, WA
QCWA # 38464
First Call: KBØVVT issued in 1996
Rebecca Rich, KBØVT, is presently working for Amazon as a software engineer.
Rebecca graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Science and Engineering, and the degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She also graduated from Stanford University earning a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree with emphasis in Biomedical Sensing and Imaging.
Both of Rebecca's parents are amateur radio operators. Rebecca became interested in amateur radio while watching her mother study for her amateur radio license. Rebecca's father developed a computer program to help her mother study amateur radio. Rebecca began playing with the program, and along with help from her parents, she started learning the material. Rebecca earned her Technician Class license when she was seven years old. This accomplishment was overshadowed because she would soon pass all written and code exam requirements, including the 20 word per minute code exam, to earn the Extra Class license when she was just eight years old. Rebecca is proud to tell people that she has been an amateur radio operator for more than half of her life. Rebecca's 2004 Dayton Youth Forum presentation was entitled "Half My Life in Amateur Radio".
The 2012 Dayton Hamvention celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Youth Forum moderated by Carole Perry WB2MGP. As part of the celebration, Carole gave past presenters the opportunity to give an update on what they are doing now and to once again share their ham radio experiences.

ARRL Headquarters August 2005

Operating From W1AW August 2005

The above photograph was taken at the 2005 ARRL Kansas State Convention
when the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award was presented to Rebecca by
the late ARRL Midwest Director Wade Walstrom WØEJ
September 11, 2021