KB1IBE - June 22, 2016
David S. 'Dave' Lesh
Kingston, RI
QCWA # 31423
LESH, DAVID S 62, of Kingston, RI passed away peacefully on June 22, 2016. He was one of four children of the late Virgil D Lesh and Muriel (Seymour) Lesh. Born in Providence, RI July 31, 1953, David is survived by Dale Lesh of Warren, RI, Doralie Lesh Doull of Tucson, Arizona and Derwood Lesh of Sarasota, Florida. He grew up in Bristol and later lived in Kingston, RI. He was called "Radio Dave" by many who knew him and loved electronics at a very early age. In his early teens he had already become a ham radio operator and was proficient at Morse code. David graduated from Bristol High School and attended Wentworth in Boston as well as URI. Prior to his retirement due to serious illness, Dave worked for Raytheon and GTech as an engineer tech. He belonged to the New England Antique Radio Club. David will be missed by family and friends for his enthusiasm and compassion. A graveside service will be held on August 20, 2016 in Warren South Cemetery, Sowamsett Ave., Warren at 11AM. All are invited.
Published in The Providence Journal on July 29, 2016
