Sherry L. Reams
Wendell, NC
QCWA # 34359
Chapter 126
I'm the XYL of WA4MJF and my eldest son Patrick is a ham, also. His call is KB4VYP. My other son Ryan has no interest in ham radio. My first interest in ham radio was in HS where one of the requirements of my Physics class was to master the Novice Test. I did not get my ticket then, but about 5 years later. I'm a member of the Triangle East Amateur Radio Association, Inc and also Wake County ARES/RACES. My favorite activity is Field Day and in our small (2A) group, I was the highest point scorer in 2005.
My other favorite activity is fishing and I'm a fair shot with M-1 carbine and the M1911A1 pistol. I never could do much with the M-1 Garand or the M-14.
I'm a former Major in the CAP and worked with cadets, and did SARs. My favorite activities with CAP were the annual cadet encampment and flying in C-130s (I did not like their placement of the head by the ramp though) and Blackhawks with the 160th SOAR Detachment at Fort Bragg.
Although, my post secondary education was in computer programing back when we used punch cards, I work part time as a printer's devil.
November 4, 2014