KB4RGC - July 17, 2018
Robert J. 'Bob' German
Raleigh, NC
QCWA # 36234
Chapter 126
Robert German, 70, Raleigh, died 07-17-2018.
Arrangements: Lea Funeral Home, Raleigh.
Published in The News & Observer on July 19, 2018
Hello from Raleigh NC.
My name is Bob and I used to have the following callsigns:
OE3RGC 1970-1980
KBØLH 1980-1995
KB3TJS 2009-2010
KB4RGC 2010- current
I used to design and build transmitting sites for shortwave broadcasting. I was Chief Engineer at WSHB (2x500kW)in the 90's then Project Director at WEWN (4x500kW) in Birmingam AL.
Then I spent 6 years with George Jacobs & Assoc. in Marylanddoing frequency coordination for International Broadcast and develop software for frequency coordination and remote HF monitoring systems.
Then after another 8 years as software engineer in Maryland I retired and moved to Raleigh NC.
You can catch me on the JARS 147.270 MHz repeater, on the Carolina 440system or on my EchoLink simplex node# 487415. On VHF the Simplex node is on 146.490 MHz PL 100.0 Hz
Right now I am mainly on VHF/UHF FM and do a lot of SSB and CW on 2m. Also into APRS and Winlink. Next year I am going to start thinking about getting a HF antenna back up.