Mark J. Tharp
Yakima, WA
QCWA # 38593
Chapter 170
First Call: KB7HDX issued in 1989
Mark was licensed in 1989 as KB7HDX.
He is a member of the following clubs and groups: Yakima County Radio Amateurs (founding member), Eastern Washington Amateur Radio Group,
Western Washington DX club,
Pacific NW VHF Society (charter member),
AMSAT, and a life member of
Mark is a life member of the ARRL as well as a member of the
ARRL Diamond club and
ARRL Maxim Society.
Over the years he has served in the field services, volunteer positions of AD, AEC, EC, OO, OOC, and fifteen years as Section Manager for the Eastern Washington Section.
On January 1st 2019 Mark started in his current elected position as Vice Director for the ARRL Northwestern Division.
He is an active Volunteer Examiner and Registered instructor.
DXCC Phone #42,693 (current country count 193, mixed), DXCC-10, DXCC-15, DXCC-20.
5BWAS #3829 WAS-SSB #57,999, WAS-RTTY #1234 and WAS-DIGITAL #3359 with an FT8 endorsement.
Mark has operated as W1AW/7 and NU1AW/7 from his home station and has guest operated at W1AW, WX7P(SK), W7DX, WA7LT(SK), and K7SDX.
He is involved with Yakima County (WA) Search and Rescue serving as a communication technition and participates in 4x4 and snowmobile searches. Mark is also a member of the Washington State Snowmobile Association and theYakima Ski-Benders snowmobile club as well as serving on the Yakima snomobile grooming councel.
Yakima SAR owns a number of amateur repeaters and along with helping to maintain
them, he is trustee for the license WA7SAR. He also maintain a portion of the
Eastern Washington packet network, three APRS nodes, a DMR repeater, and the
amateur stations in the Yakima County EMD, and Search and Rescue offices.
Professionally, Mark is employed at an equipment manufacturing company as office and operations manager.
December 21, 2021