KB7YS - March 14, 2004
John F. Neville
Prescott, AZ
QCWA # 27065
Chapter 16
I met John at work in 1965 at Lockheed-Burbank. John worked in calibrations in the QA lab. John and his wife Betty were from the UK and had emigrated to the US living at the time in Altadena CA.
We joined them on a trip to England and the continent in 1968. John took us to the Science Museum in London, near his original home. There we saw but could not operate the museum´s station GB2SM.
We took the ferry over to Ostend and picked up the train to Paris Gare d"Nord. After we entered France, the French DOUANE (Customs) agent entered our compartment addressing us in French, which neither of us knew. John thought he was a porter and kept telling him "no coffee!" The Frenchman was not happy with our Brit friend to say the least.
We rented a car in Paris and toured around Europe for about a week. Ultimately we arrived in Geneva where we visited the ITU and were able to operate 4U1ITU for two days. We both had a ball. The curator of the station was Gerard De Buren (HB9AW/WA6QAU) who we entertained for supper both evenings. The second photo is the 4U1ITU operating position with (L-R), HB9AW, WA6CEB, K6EID). The first photo is John and Betty enjoying an ale overlooking Lake Lén in Geneva.
John was a member of the X-G club and held the call, I think, of G3XSP in addition to WA6CEB. After retirement John moved to Prescott AZ. We visited he and Betty there once.
John was a great fellow with the typical British dry sense of humor.