KC1WE - August 14, 2018
Rex M. Mott
Lakeland, FL
QCWA # 37337
First Call: WNØWYY Other Calls: KA1VXY
No obituary, from qrz.com
Licensed in 1990 (or there abouts), active county hunting until 1999 when my Caravan died. A little 2M but no HF until 2013, Glad to be back.
11/1/1015: Recently moved to mu new address in Florida. I'll miss my ham buddies at the Lehigh Valley Amateur Radio Club but look forward to making new friends at the Lakeland Amatuer Radio Club.
Some of the presentations at my radio club introduced me to the digital modes. PSK-31, JT65 etc. It looked interesting, so I bought a sound card, downloaded some software and started listening. I could see who was on the air without having to tune and listen, tune and listen tune and listen, If I saw someone that I wanted to contact it only took a few clicks of the mouse and we were talking. Almost instant gratification. Then I found eQsl.cc. I could get QSL cards almost as fast as I could make a contact. That was more fast gratification. This was Great! In a few days I had worked more than 10 countries and had their confirmation in my hand. I put some of the digital frequencies in my radio's memory. I could flip through the bands listen (watch) for a little while and move on if there was nothing interesting or work stations that I felt I needed. In a day or so I would have their QSL in my book.
I started thinking about DXCC. With thirty some entities confirmed, I thought I should read the DXCC rules. What I found was the ARRL was stuck in the 1940's.
From their web site:
"ARRL does not accept QSLs (for any award, including DXCC, WAS, VUCC and WAC) that have been transmitted to the recipient via electronic means for its awards."
Geez Louise, what is amateur radio if it is not "electronic?" If we can't send QSLs via electronic means, how can we have a digital QSO?
"But wait," says the ARRL. "It is OK to use OUR electronic QSLs." That being Logbook of the World (LOTW). So ARRL really will accept electronic QSLs after all. Sounds a little hypocritical to me. But I can't get the pretty QSL card through LOTW.
Anyway, I want those pretty QSL cards so I can show them off to my friends. I also would also like to earn DXCC without spending a fortune. (Going direct costs about $5.00 per QSL.) Using the bureau takes forever. So, I need you to use LOTW. I would like you to also use eQsl.cc so I can have the pretty QSL. I'll go direct if I have to, otherwise it is the bureau.
I update eQsl automatically for PSK and manually for other modes. I upload to LOTW monthly.
Sure seems that hams have a lot of rules about QSLing. No paper, direct only, no postage then return is bureau etc.