William G. 'Bill' Mills
Milledegeviolle, GA
QCWA # 22115
Chapter 49 & 91
I was first licensed in 1964 at Fort Hood, Texas; as a FCC Novice Class Operator, WN5KWX. In 1965, I was assigned to Germany where I obtained a Conditional License, WA5TMT. On return to the United States, I obtained a General License in 1971, followed in 1974 with the Advanced License and the Amateur Extra License in 1999. Over the years, I have held the following Amateur Radio Call Signs: WN5KWX; WA5TMT; KZ5MM (Panama Canal Zone 1971-1973); WB4JPS; DA2MM (Federal Republic of Germany 1974-1977); DA2DX (Federal Republic of Germany 1979-1983); KA5HLH; KC5PF and KC4AA. I have also Operated from DX locations in England (G4KHM), Saudi Arabia (HZ1AB 1991-1994) and Cyprus (C4YY 1994 CQ WPX Contest).
My major amateur radio interests are working ARRL Field Day (30 years), Boy Scout Jamboree on the Air (JOTA), DXing, Georgia QSO Party, Short Wave Listening (SWLing) and designing/building antennas. I am a certified FCC Volunteer License Examiner (ARRL and W5YI), an ARRL License Instructor and BSA Radio Merit Badge Counselor. I hold Life Memberships in the ARRL, QCWA National, QCWA Chapter 49 (Peach State) and QCWA Chapter 91 (Vic Clark). I am an active member in the Milledgeville Amateur Radio Club (MARC) and the Southeastern DX Club (Atlanta, Georgia). I hold the ARRL Five Band DXCC and 17 Meter DXCC Awards. In years 2001, 2005 and 2010; I served on the BSA National Jamboree K2BSA Staff at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia.
I operate two HF radio stations consisting of two Ten-Tec OMNI VII HF transceivers each with an Alpha 374A amplifier. The "Antenna Farm" consists of the following antennas: 10 and 15 Meters - Telrex DBM-1015; 12 Meters - "Homebrew" Extended Double Zepp; 17 Meters - "Homebrew" two element Yagi; 20 Meters - Telrex 20M-326 Yagi, 40 Meters - "Homebrew" 1/4 wavelength elevated vertical with four radials and 80 Meters - Gladiator TL80M Mark II "top loaded" elevated vertical with four radials.
My interest in amateur radio began as a Shortwave Listener (SWL) in 1954. My first shortwave receiver (Hallicrafters 5R10A) was a gift from my Grandfather Mills. I later upgraded the 5R10A to a Hallicrafters S-40B receiver. I spend time listening on the shortwave bands with a selection of HF receivers; Collins 51J-4, Collins 51S-1, Collins 75S-3B, Collins R-390A with Sherwood Engineering SE-3 Synchronous Detector, Drake R4-C with Sherwood Engineering Modifications, Hammarlund SP-600 or a Japan Radio Company NRD 535D.
I QSL 100%, direct mail or via the ARRL Bureau.
Hope to work you on the bands!
February 6, 2013