KD1AB - Yo-yoon Cho KD1AB

Yo-yoon Cho
Suffolk, VA

QCWA # 38759
Chapter 119
First Call: HM1AB issued in 1960       Other Call(s): HM9AB WB4QFX WA3WGS KB1NH

Yoon Cho


North Korea (DPRK) invaded South Korea (ROK) in June, 1950. A cease fire was established in 1953. ROK government finalized the law on ham radio and one had to get an operator license first, then apply a station license. In Spring of 1957, at age 14, I passed the ham operator license test and got an operator license. I applied a station license immediately. Later ROK granted, instead of individual license, a club station license, HL9TA, to Korean Amateur Radio League (KARL). I became one of six operators of HL9TA. In the QST photo below, a young OP siting and close to the microphone is me!


                                                                                                                                                                                                   July 3, 2022