Sean E. Gardner
El Paso, TX
QCWA # 38038
Chapter 64
First Call: KD6CUB issued in 1991
My name is Sean and I'm mostly heard on the local repeaters here in El Paso, TX, but I do like to play on HF and 6meters when sun spots are right. I do a little contesting mainly just the QSO parties, and Field Day of course.
I am a hiker and volunteer park ranger for the Wyler Aerial Tramway State Park in the Franklin Mountains and have recently added radio to that too, I am now part of the S.O.T.A. (Summits on the Air) group and happen to be the Regional Manager for TX. (If you have any questions regarding S.O.T.A. please put SOTA in the subject line of the E-Mail)
I'm also a repeater owner in the El Paso area, right now it's a pretty basic repeater with one link, but in time it will be expanded with more features, as I do upgrade it I will be posting the changes on my website.
If I've already had a QSO with you I hope to catch you further down the log.
Ten-Ten #73718
S.M.I.R.K. #6947

June 12, 2019