Johnny L. Welch
Redlands, CA
QCWA # 33218
Chapter 177
The primary picture is me as a newly minted general class in 1963. Still have the KnightKit T-150 and R-100A.
I have been licensed 50 years as of August 2013. I primarily operate CW but also enjoy SSB. Since I acquired the IC-7200 I have been getting on RTTY for the first time since my Model 15 TTY days in the 1960's. My first computer operation was with the MacroTronics M-80 and a TRS-80 in the late 1970's. I am a certificate hunter, contester and DX'er, but not really good at any of them. I do have fun trying though. I am married to a wonderful woman who, though not caring much for ham radio, indulges me.
Still run QRP most of the time. Got to where I like it.
May 14, 2017