Robert H. 'Rob' Galyan
Estes Park, CO
QCWA # 38040
Chapter 140
First Call: WN5ISF issued in 1973 Other Call(s): KN7HLC and KEØQAH
I was first a Novice as a kid in 1957, KN7HLC. Or was it 58? The records are not found.
I was a retread Novice in Oklahoma about 1971 or 72
A high school friend got me interested again and I got my tech in Feb 2018 (tested in El Paso, TX) and upgraded to General in Nov 2018 (Tested in Estes Park, CO)
I am retired and love getting back into Ham Radio. I am ARES, VEC and Skywarn. I hope to have HF setup on my RV by this summer (2019) and will use it when out in the prospecting regions of Wyoming where I go in July and August, and where there is no cell service for 25+ miles.
My home base is in Estes Park, CO but travel to Wyoming and New Mexico pretty regularly.

A QSL confirming a 1973 QSO with WB5FBU
June 19, 2019