George J. Misic
Allison Park, PA
QCWA # 22727
Chapter 1
I was first licensed November 22, 1963, the day President Kennedy was assignated. While in high school, I worked part time for Bernie's Ham Shack, 2118 East 21st Street, Cleveland, Ohio. After Bernie died in 1968 [very young; only 54], I got a job at Pioneer-Standard Electronics, 5403 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103. I sold and serviced Collins, Drake, Hallicrafters, and Signal One. Pioneer exited the retail electronics business in 1971; the son of one of the founders, Herb Farr III, bought the retail stores and formed Farr Electronics. I was there through college and beyond until they went bankrupt in 1974.
At that point I went into business for myself doing commercial sound system installations and electronic service work. I did this and ham radio flea markets until 1981 when I joined Dentron Radio in Stow, Ohio. Dennis Had, W8KXK, had sold the company and it was bought by an investor found by Morris Messenger, W6PUT. This was a real experience, and I did get to develope a number of successful ham radio products. Dentron hung on until 1983 when it was bought from the bank holding the SBA loan; I went to work at Picker International, better known as Picker X-Ray in Cleveland, Ohio. I was at Picker for five years working in the new field of Magnetic Resonance Imaging as an RF and analog electronic specialist. I moved from Picker to a company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania called MEDRAD; they were in medical electronics like Picker. I was there through the spring of 2009; between Picker and MEDRAD, I was an inventor on 34 US patents, and the first or primary inventor on most of them.
Currently, I am doing mostly consulting work in Magnetic Resonance Imaging technology and I write frequently for Electric Radio Magazine about vintage ham radio equipment from the USA or UK.
I am the past president of QCWA Chapter One in Cleveland, Ohio. My other hobbies are old cars [Lincoln, Cadillac, Packard] and NTN Trivia.
The photo shows me with my wife Barbara, KB3MPF and my 1960 Lincoln Continental Mark V.
February 16, 2015